tepcon brings the Industrial Metaverse to HFU

tepcon is part of the lecture series "Praxis der Informatik" at HFU

Every winter semester, representatives from industry and business come to the Faculty of Computer Science at Furtwangen University to talk about current trends and issues as part of the "Praxis der Informatik" lecture series. This week, our digitization experts Robin Reiner and Heiko Moser had the opportunity to introduce the students to the topic of Industrial Metaverse.

Under the title "Meet me at the beach: How the Industrial Metaverse could change our future", digital instructions and the basics of the Metaverse were first explained. Using the virtual training center trainhub, it was shown how tepcon designs the Industrial Metaverse. Here, the students were able to try out the solution themselves and gain insight. Finally, design basics in virtual reality as well as the technology of a multi-user software were taught. The presentation was concluded on the virtual beach, where the students could explore the environment themselves and get an idea of the Industrial Metaverse.

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